The Art of Dave Crosland

Aluminium Vs UPVC Windows (PROS & CONS)

Aluminium vs UPVC windows – it has been a longstanding debate as to which is better when put to comparison. There have been multiple surveys taken over them through homeowners so that one can come to a close call as to what’s to be chosen. It still can be a tough decision to make when considering the installation of new windows. Let’s take a glance at both the pros and cons of UPVC and aluminium windows. This shall help people make the right choice as per their property and budget.

  • The durability of UPVC vs aluminium windows
  • UPVC stands for unplasticised PolyVinyl Chloride and has been an ever-growing popular choice for window frames since the year 1980s. It owes its popularity to very durable material and its resistance towards rotting. These attributes simply mean that they have a longer lifespan and require very minimal maintenance. However, on the downside, frames can degrade over the years though that is comparatively pretty much at a slower rate than timber windows which require replacement after two to three decades.
  • When put to rest aluminium is also an impressively high durable material. Also, the high-quality aluminium windows can last up to three to four decades because they don’t degrade in the same way as that of UPVC. Unlike other metals, aluminium also is well protected against rust. Hence there’s almost nothing that you have to worry about when it comes to your window frames sustaining unsightly patches of rust in the future.
  • The energy efficiency of aluminium vs UPVC windows

One reason why aluminium has been considered less favourable as correlated to UPVC in the yore is due to its low thermal efficiency. Aluminium is a highly conductive material. This means that the heat can pass through it very easily. For a while, aluminium was therefore seen as a thermally inefficient choice for windows while  UPVC was championed by the UPVC Windows Manufacturers. 

  • However, technology has come a long way. Many modifications have been made over a preceding couple of decades. If one wishes to, these days aluminium windows and doors feature innovative thermal breaks which are smartly placed within the frames. This in turn prevents too much heat from being conducted. Some manufacturers also go as far as using layers of Aerogel in their frames, which is such an effective insulator. Eventually, the degree of thermal efficiency extended by both aluminium windows and UPVC windows is inconsistent. Either of them can be chosen and this comes down to the quality of materials and manufacturing processes used.
  • Comparison of security of UPVC and aluminium windows. 

Both the aluminium and UPVC are durable. The windows crafted out of them are pretty secure, and significantly more so as compared to timber windows which can be vulnerable to forced entry given that they fall prey to degrading. The level of security a window provides tends to vary with its quality. No matter if you opt for aluminium or UPVC, what’s important is that you have durable, modern, multipoint locks, that you can rest assured that your windows will be secure.

  • Soundproofing differences between UPVC and aluminium

One of the advantages of UPVC windows over aluminium is that they tend to offer better quality soundproofing. This doesn’t mean to say that aluminium windows aren’t effective enough at soundproofing, but UPVC does it slightly better and wins out when it comes to blocking out exterior unwanted noises.

  • Aesthetic differences between aluminium and UPVC windows

One of the reasons for the surge in popularity of aluminium windows in recent years is the aesthetic appeal that it wraps itself up with. These windows have a sleek style to offer. Aluminium window contours can be much narrower than UPVC. This gives them a cleaner, minimalistic look that is very distinguished in contemporary homes.

The other benefit of slim window frames is that they not only enhance the aesthetics but also help in improving sightlines from the window. This helps your home attain a stunning view altogether. Despite their slim frames, aluminium is robust enough. This helps people get large panes of glass for their house. This also means that if you have a large aperture, you may not be required to divide it into multiple panes that often breaks down the aesthetic appeal. This also promotes better views and more natural light being able to enter the home.

Aluminium windows attributes:

  • Sleek style
  • Minimalist
  • Improved sightlines
  • More natural light

UPVC windows attributes:

  • Various colours and finishes
  • Plastic appearance
  • Good value

Though UPVC windows have a bit of a downgrading reputation. This is so because this gives them an appearance of being bulky and unsightly. Also at times, the plastic look is not particularly appealing for homeowners who want something luxurious and unique for their designer homes.

Aluminium on the other hand offers lots of variety regarding the finish. Most aluminium windows are finished with a powder coating that enhances their durability and adds to their stylish and luxurious appearance.

Benefits of PVC products everyone should know

PVC is also commonly used in building a plethora of applications ranging from pipes to siding to decking and so on. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride. It’s made with carbon atoms which are in turn derived from ethylene. There’s the involvement of natural gas or oil. There’s also chlorine derived from salt.PVC products last for a good period.

Flooring and roofing made from PVC can last for more than two decades. Also, the PVC water pipes which are used in infrastructure projects can last for more than five decades making it irreversible. What makes the PVC products even more lovable is that they can be recycled and reused. PVC is recycled by being ground into neat pieces. These pieces are then processed into compounds to be melted and formed into new products. PVC is commonly used in the production of:

  • Caulks
  • DeckingFences
  • FlooringPipes
  • RoofingSealants

Some of the commendable benefits of PVC:

  • PVC in health care sectors :

PVC is widely used in medical applications. This is so because it’s impermeable to germs. It can also be easily cleaned and provides single-use applications that reduce infections in healthcare. PVC has been used in the medical realm for over five decades now. It was first developed to make flexible tubing and containers to replace the rubber and glass that had previously been used for applications mostly in healthcare.

  • PVC in Building and Construction

PVC is a durable material that’s resistant to the damage that is often caused by weathering. This is also one of the prime reasons why used so often in building and construction. The PVC is also resistant to chemicals and doesn’t conduct electricity. This makes them crucial for use in high-tech applications, like that of wires and cables.

The PVC product manufacturers have ensured that there’s a smart way of having PVC modified. This has been loved so much that both the rigid and flexible forms of PVC are replacing traditional building materials, such as wood, concrete and metal and so on.

  • The PVC is Versatile laced, cost-effective

The PVC also has an excellent record of use. This means that it is the most important polymer for the construction sector. Polyvinyl chloride, PVC, is one of the most popular plastics used in building and construction given the cost-effectiveness and versatility. It

  • PVC is abrasion resistance lightweight, possesses good mechanical strength and has immense toughness. These are key technical advantages that make them such valuables when it comes to building and construction applications.
  • Easy to install

PVC can be reduced, constructed, melted and assembled easily. This can be done keeping in mind a variety of styles. Whichever floats the boat.  Also, the PVC being lightweight reduces manual handling difficulties and also scrapes off additional costs.

  • Durable

PVC is not only resistant to weathering but also several other factors like chemical rotting, corrosion, shock and abrasion. It is therefore the preferred choice for many different long-life indoor and outdoor projects and products alike. PVC production involves mostly the building and construction sector.

  • Cost-effective

PVC has been a popular material for construction applications for decades now. Due to its physical and technical properties, it is undoubtedly prefered more but what makes it more preferable is the availability of excellent cost-performance advantages. As a material, it is very competitive when it comes to terms of price. Its value is also enhanced by the properties such as its durability, lifespan and low maintenance.

  • A very safe material

PVC is non-toxic which makes it even more favourable. It is a safe material and a socially valuable resource that has been used for more than half a century now. It is also researched and thoroughly tested plastic. It meets all international standards for safety and health and makes itself a well-known competitor in almost every field ranging from healthcare to construction.

  • Fire resistant

Like all other organic materials used in buildings, including other plastics, wood, textiles and so on, there’s no doubt that the PVC products indeed will burn when exposed to a fire. But what makes them stand out is that the PVC products however are self-extinguishing. This means that if the ignition source is withdrawn it will stop burning within some time.

Because of their high chlorine content PVC products have fire safety characteristics, which have boosted their sales in even more varied sectors. The PVC pipes and such items are difficult to ignite. Also, it is to be taken into account that the heat production is comparatively low and they tend to char rather than generate flaming droplets that can induce even more destruction.

  • Versatile

PVC can also act as a replacement or refurbishment material. The properties of PVC physically permit designers a high extent of liberation. This in turn helps them with regards to formulating new products and developing solutions.